Moth prevention: The power of Cedar Ward over mothballs


As a pest control expert and a passionate advocate for mindful living, I understand the concerns that homeowners and individuals have when it comes to protecting their clothes and belongings from moth infestations. Moths can wreak havoc on our cherished fabrics, causing irreparable damage and financial strain. In the quest for moth prevention, many turn to traditional solutions like mothballs. However, I'm here to shed light on a natural alternative that not only outshines moth balls but also aligns with a sustainable, eco-conscious lifestyle—Cedar Ward.

The problem with mothballs

Mothballs have held a prominent place as a moth prevention method for decades, largely due to their track record in deterring these troublesome insects. Nevertheless, despite their widespread use, mothballs carry numerous disadvantages that often escape notice.

  1. Toxicity: The most glaring issue is their toxic nature. Mothballs consist of chemicals such as naphthalene and paradichlorobenzene, which emit fumes that can be harmful to both humans and pets. Breathing in these chemicals can lead to respiratory problems, headaches, and even nausea. Inhaling these noxious fumes over time can pose serious health risks, particularly in enclosed spaces, making mothballs a hazardous choice for moth prevention.
  2. Smell: A second significant concern is the unpleasant odor mothballs emit. The strong and unpleasant odor of mothballs can be overwhelming for many homeowners, leading them to hesitate in using them within their closets and storage areas. This lingering and pungent scent can permeate clothing and fabrics, rendering mothballs a suboptimal choice for individuals who prioritize having fresh and appealing-smelling wardrobes.
  3. Frequent replacement: Mothballs gradually lose their potency, requiring frequent replacements to maintain their effectiveness. This not only adds to the cost but also contributes to environmental waste, as used mothballs are typically discarded in the trash, where their toxic chemicals can potentially leach into the environment. The need for constant replacement not only impacts your wallet but also raises environmental concerns, making it clear that there's room for a safer and more eco-conscious alternative like Cedar Ward.

Cedar Ward: The natural and effective solution

Enter Cedar Ward, the ultimate answer to moth prevention that overcomes the limitations of mothballs while offering a host of additional benefits. Cedar Ward products are crafted from 100% natural cedar wood, known for its moth-repelling properties. Unlike mothballs, cedar emits a pleasant, woodsy scent that not only deters moths but also provides a fresh, natural fragrance to your storage areas.


Moreover, Cedar Ward isn't just effective against clothing moths and pantry moths; it also serves as a formidable defense against other common household pests like cockroaches and silverfish. This multifaceted protection ensures that your home remains not only moth-free but also safeguarded against a range of unwanted intruders. Cedar Ward truly stands as a versatile and eco-conscious solution for pest control and moth prevention in one.

One of the standout features of cedar is its sustainability. Cedar trees are a renewable resource, making Cedar Ward products an eco-friendly choice for those concerned about their environmental impact. The use of cedar for moth prevention is both effective and responsible, aligning perfectly with the values of mindful homeowners and individuals. What sets Cedar Ward apart is our commitment to environmental responsibility at every step. Our Cedar Planks are assembled and quality-assured in California, using cedar sourced exclusively from the United States. This not only ensures the highest standards of quality but also supports local industries and reduces the carbon footprint associated with shipping materials from distant locations. Choosing Cedar Ward isn't just a smart choice for moth prevention; it's also a conscious choice for sustainability and supporting American craftsmanship.

How Cedar Ward works

Cedar Ward works by releasing natural oils found in cedar wood, which act as a powerful moth repellent. These oils are safe for humans and pets, making cedar a non-toxic alternative to mothballs. The scent of cedar disrupts the moths' mating and feeding habits, effectively keeping them at bay.

Cedar Ward is available as a one-ounce cedar oil spray, offering a versatile approach to moth prevention. To use Cedar Ward effectively, spray it directly onto bare, unsealed cedarwood until it reaches saturation. Allow the liquid to absorb into the wood, enhancing its natural moth-repelling properties. It's recommended to use Dr. Killigan's Cedar Ward on your Cedar Planks and other cedar goods quarterly or as often as needed to maintain freshness and repellency. This application method ensures comprehensive protection against moths while keeping your cedar items in prime condition.

Cedar spray: The versatile solution

For those who seek the benefits of cedar but prefer a more flexible application, cedar spray is an excellent option. Our cedar oil pest control spray is derived from cedarwood essential oil and can be used to create a protective barrier in any area of your home. Whether you're safeguarding your clothing, rugs or any other space, Cedar Ward spray provides you with a convenient and effective way to keep pests at bay while enjoying the natural aroma of cedarwood.

Why choose Cedar Ward over mothballs?

    • Safety: Unlike toxic mothballs, Cedar Ward products are safe for your family, pets and the environment. You can utilize them with confidence, knowing that you're not subjecting your loved ones to hazardous chemicals.
    • Sustainability: Cedar is a replenishable resource, and Cedar Ward's dedication to sustainability resonates with the principles of environmentally conscious individuals. Choosing Cedar Ward promotes responsible living and reduces your carbon footprint.
    • Effectiveness: Cedar Ward offers long-lasting protection against moths, without the need for constant replacement. The natural oils in cedar effectively deter moths and keep your belongings safe.
    • Pleasant scent: The aromatic cedar scent is far more inviting than the pungent odor of mothballs. Cedar Ward not only protects but also freshens your storage spaces.
    • Versatility: With various Cedar Ward products, you can tailor your moth prevention strategy to your specific needs, ensuring comprehensive protection for all your belongings.
    • Historical efficacy: The concept of cedar as a repellent against moths dates back to the Ancient Greeks, who stored their treasured clothing in cedar chests to keep keratin-loving insects at bay.

In conclusion, when it comes to moth prevention, Cedar Ward stands as a natural, safe and effective alternative to mothballs. Mindful homeowners and individuals seeking to protect their clothes and belongings while embracing sustainable living will find Cedar Ward to be the perfect solution. Make the switch to Cedar Ward today, and experience the power of cedar and its unique ability to proactively solve your moth problems, all while contributing to a greener, healthier planet. Don't compromise on safety, sustainability, and effectiveness—choose Cedar Ward for a moth-free and mindful home.

Note: Cedar Ward, in conjunction with Cedar Planks, will be available this winter. Join our VIP list now to receive timely notification.

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