Ladybugs are beneficial and supposedly harmless. But are they harmless? Do ladybugs bite? If so, does their bite hurt?
How to get rid of spotted lanternflies
Learn where the spotted lanternfly came from, the tremendous damage it can cause and not only what to do if you see one, but how to get rid of it (and its relatives) as well.
Identifying moths in your house 101
How do you know what type of moth you have in your home? Find out here.
How to get rid of bugs in your house
While there are millions of species of bugs around the world, focus on these insects specifically when it comes to your home.
Insects push the boundaries of survival
Discover how particular insects push survival boundaries with cold-weather adaptations, and how climate change puts them at risk.
Will bugs wake up in my home this winter?
While bugs may be in your home this winter, many of them may not always be active during the colder months. Learn more here.
The deadliest insect in the world
Invasive types of mosquitoes, chiefly Aedes albopictus and Aedes aegypti, pose a global threat, spreading deadly diseases like Dengue, Zika and Chikungunya. Their rapid expansion urges urgent actio...