DIY pest control vs professional: The self-care aspect of taking charge of your space


Ah, the age-old debate: DIY pest control vs professional. The question isn't just about which method clears out pests more effectively, but also which one aligns best with your personal ethos and lifestyle. The decisions you make about its upkeep are deeply personal and, often, a reflection of your values.

The pros and cons of professional pest control

When you're up against an especially stubborn pest problem, the immediate effectiveness of professional services is appealing. These experts can quickly diagnose your issue and deploy targeted solutions, taking the guesswork out of pest management. They're particularly handy when facing large, complex infestations that could be overwhelming for a DIY approach.

However, professional services often come with a hefty price tag. Moreover, the cost isn't just monetary. Many traditional pest control services use concerning chemicals, especially for households with young children or pets. You might trade one problem, pests, for another: potential exposure to strong chemicals. 

Embracing the self-care aspect of DIY pest control


The rise of DIY pest control is part of a broader trend towards self-care and self-sufficiency. When you take matters into your own hands, you're in full control of the methods and substances used in your home. This isn't just empowering; it also aligns with a conscious, health-oriented lifestyle.

Pest control becomes more than just a task on your to-do list; it's an active engagement with your living space. It's also a learning experience that equips you with the knowledge to deal with future outbreaks, using minimum risk pesticides that align with a health-conscious lifestyle.

5 examples of self-care pest control 

We often talk about self-care in terms of spa days or meditation, but it extends far beyond that. Taking care of your home—your personal sanctuary—can be a deeply fulfilling form of self-care. Tackling a pest problem yourself can make you feel more in control of your environment, which in turn boosts your well-being. Here we’ll explore some specific examples where DIY pest control can be a form of self-care:

  1. Making your own all-natural spray

Mixing essential oils like peppermint or lavender with water to make your own insect-repellent spray not only allows you to know exactly what’s going into the products you use, but the act of creating something functional can be incredibly rewarding. It's about self-reliance and the satisfaction that comes from solving a problem with your own two hands.

If you're looking for a ready-made option, you can rely on Dr. Killigan's Six Feet Under spray, which features a non-toxic, plant-based blend of soybean, clove and cinnamon oils.

non-toxic pet-friendly child-friendly spray

Backed by years of study, testing, revisions and retesting, Six Feet Under solves both the problem of insects and the issue of hazardous insecticides. Toxic alternatives not only jeopardize the safety of your home but also contain ingredients that insects can build resistance against. With Six Feet Under, you're investing in a transparent, safe and highly effective solution that aligns with a health-conscious lifestyle.

  1. Garden tending with companion plants

If you have a garden, consider integrating companion plants that naturally repel pests. Plants like marigolds, basil and lavender can deter a variety of pests while also contributing to the beauty and aroma of your outdoor space. Additionally, these plants often attract beneficial insects like pollinators, which can further help maintain a healthy garden ecosystem. It’s therapeutic gardening with the bonus of natural pest control.

  1. DIY insect deterrent

Puffing Dust to Dust, our non-toxic insect-killing powder, around the perimeter of your home can be a fulfilling project. (I highly recommend using the Insect Buster as an application tool). Implementing a simple yet effective solution to insect nuisances, like spiders, ants and cockroaches, can provide a sense of accomplishment and the freedom that comes with resolving an issue without external help. Plus, it’s a family-friendly activity that can be both educational and fun.

  1. Weekend caulking project

Sealing cracks around your home can be a weekend project that keeps pests out and gives you a tangible sense of accomplishment. Every time you pass by an area you've sealed, you'll have a physical reminder of your proactive approach to home care.

  1. Educational moment with family

Last but not least, turning a pest problem into a learning experience for the family can be deeply enriching.


Researching the pests, figuring out their weaknesses, and deciding on a treatment can be a group activity that builds a sense of teamwork and collective accomplishment.

Incorporating these examples into your DIY pest control strategy isn’t just about getting rid of unwelcome visitors; it's about taking an active role in the well-being of your living space. The rewards go beyond the immediate results; they feed into your emotional and psychological health, reinforcing a cycle of self-care that extends to every aspect of your life.

Striking the right balance: Effectiveness and empowerment

Finding the right balance between DIY and professional services often depends on the severity and type of infestation. Minor infestations, whether it be pantry moths, earwigs, houseflies or clothing moths, often respond well to over-the-counter solutions and natural remedies. In these cases, the DIY approach works well and serves as an empowering, hands-on experience that adds a layer of personal care to home maintenance.

However, if the situation gets out of hand and becomes overwhelming, that's when a professional touch might be necessary. It's not a sign of defeat, but rather an informed decision to prioritize the health and well-being of your household. The key is knowing when to switch gears, which comes with experience and a bit of research. If you find yourself overwhelmed with insect issues, don't hesitate to reach out to us for help. 

Money matters: Financial considerations in pest control

When it comes to managing your household budget, the DIY approach to pest control shines as a clear winner. The narrative that professional services are the only reliable solution has been shattered thanks to high-quality, user-friendly and effective DIY products like Dr. Killigan's. Why spend exorbitant amounts on professional services, which often require recurring visits and long-term contracts, when you can achieve the same level of control at a fraction of the cost?


With Dr. Killigan's DIY pest control options, you are investing in affordable, effective and non-toxic solutions. Unlike many traditional professional services, which use a cocktail of chemicals that can be harmful to you and the environment, our products are designed to be both potent against pests and gentle on everything else. So, you're not just saving money; you're also making an eco-conscious choice. When you factor in the long-term implications of repeated chemical treatments from professional services, the savings are both financial and health-related.

Conclusion: It’s more than just pest control, it’s personal

The conversation around DIY pest control vs professional services is layered and nuanced. The right choice for you hinges on a medley of factors such as the severity of your infestation, your comfort and familiarity with DIY methods, and of course, your budget. But let's not forget that at the core of this debate lies something far more intimate—your peace of mind and sense of security in your own living space.

At Dr. Killigan's, we understand that the home is more than just a building; it's a sanctuary where you and your loved ones share life's most precious moments. Our mission is to empower you to make informed, conscientious choices that align with your personal lifestyle and values. When you opt for DIY pest control, you're not just addressing an immediate problem; you're investing in the long-term wellness of your home and family. That's a level of personalized care and dedication that is hard to match with professional services.

Don’t just protect your home - cherish it, the Dr. Killigan’s way. 

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