What you need to know about silverfish and earwigs

What you need to know about silverfish and earwigs

The United States is filled with millions of different species of insects. Many you will never see in your lifetime, even though they could be right under your nose. We all deal with flies, ants, roaches, and spiders, but what about the less seen silverfish and earwig? These are two common insects, and each has its own characteristics. And each can be a menace if they invade your home. Let’s learn about each of these and what you can do should you discover them.

What are silverfish?


While you may not have known what you were looking at, you have come across a silverfish. These insects are about an inch long, and their name carries their appearance. They are silver and metallic looking, and their movements resemble a fish’s swaying. Silverfish primarily feed on starches and sugars but are also known to feed on glues and pastes of wallpaper, book bindings, and boxes. They can be found, like many insects, near a water source. Damp basements, leaky piping, and warm attics are areas they congregate. 

What are earwigs?

You may know this little critter by the name “pincher bug.” They are identifiable by the two forceps that trail behind this inch-long brownish bug. Common folklore has stories of this creature crawling into people's ears and laying eggs. While this is pure myth, earwigs do exist. They are primarily outdoor insects, feeding within gardens on plants and vegetables. They can make their way indoors, but it is usually to find a source of water. They like dark and damp areas like basements, under sinks, and laundry rooms.

Are silverfish and earwigs dangerous?

Neither insect is dangerous to humans or pets. However, the earwig can and will pinch if threatened. It could possibly be painful but rarely breaks the skin. They can also spray a foul-smelling mist. Neither pest carries nor spreads any type of disease. If anything, they are more of a nuisance when discovered with the initial shock. Earwigs do pose a problem if you have a garden, however, as they feed on plants and vegetables. 

How do I get rid of silverfish and earwigs?

Since both of these creepy crawlies like dark moist areas, the best course of action is to control these areas. Basements, bathrooms, kitchens, and laundry rooms are susceptible to conditions favorable for not only silverfish and earwig infestation, but also spiders, ants, and roaches.

Experts suggest creating a dry zone around your home. This is an area free of wood pilings, leaves, debris, and other items that would keep the ground moist. When you do discover an insect or two, or worse, a full infestation, use Dr. Killigan’s Six Feet Under® Non-Toxic Insect Killer Spray to rid your home of these pests. Six Feet Under kills on contact and is 100% safe to use around children and pets. 


The final word on silverfish and earwigs

Silverfish and Earwigs are just another pair of bugs to add to the list of the little insects we must learn to live with here on Planet Earth. However, we can control the conditions they seek. Keep the areas where they are prone to visit clean, organized, and as dry as possible. If they are seen, a few sprays of Dr. Killigan’s Six Feet Under will rid their presence.

We recommend to spray these areas frequently. The clove and cottonseed oil aroma deter them from staying around. This non-toxic pest control formula upholds Dr. Killigan’s motto of Killing Them Softly®. This means that we do not use harsh or toxic chemicals in any of our products. If you are not satisfied for any reason, contact us, and we will do whatever it takes to make things right.

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