How is your home attracting insects?

How is your home attracting insects?

You wake for a glass of milk at 3:00 a.m. As you groggily flick on the kitchen light, you see something move out of the corner of your eye and then it quickly disappears. Bugs can crawl around your floor, walk over your countertops, vanish under your fridge, and slip into the drain in your kitchen sink. Though you only saw one, your mind begins to race. How many are there? What miscreant was it? How did it (or they) get into my home? Forgetting about the glass of milk, you crawl back into bed, but sleep never comes. You keep thinking about those darn bugs.

What insects invade your home?

Bugs will invade your cottage, your sacred abode, or your tent. If there’s food, they will come. But, which bug did you see at 3:00 a.m. last night? Most likely, it was an ant, a roach, or a moth.



There are several different types of ants, any and all of which can enter a home. The most common is the sugar ant, a generic term for a sweet-seeking ant. Indoor "sugar ants" include, among others, the pavement ant, pharaoh ant, and the odorous house ant. They are very small, can sense some 400 different odors, and will travel great lengths from their nests for food. Some bite. Some cause pain.

To conquer these misfits, I recommend using Dust to Dust Non-Toxic Insect Powder, a superb alternative to diatomaceous earth - with up to 50% faster kill times. It is safe for humans, but absolute death for insects. Dr. Killigan's has created the perfect tool for dispersing Dust to Dust that’s precise and efficient: The Insect Buster®. You’re going to love it. Guaranteed.


These are nasty little buggers, carrying a multitude of bacteria, parasitic worms, and pathogens. (I’’ll spare you the details.) They are indeed the dread of most people and, unfortunately, there are several types: the American roach, the German roach, and the oriental roach. The one you’re most likely to see in your kitchen is the German roach, though it is not from Germany.

Don’t wait until it's too late to purchase Dr. Killigan’s Insect Buster. If you wake at 3:00 a.m. again to see this is what crawled under your stove, you’ll know exactly what to do. (Diatomaceous Earth must be purchased separately.)


The messes that moths leave behind may precede their sightings. If you see webbing along the corners of food packages or on food products themselves, then you probably have a moth infestation. Moths bring along many friends and can be good at hiding. The most common one you’ll find in your home: the Indian meal moth, also known as the pantry moth. It’s about ½ of an inch long and a blend of gray and copper in color. If you see these winged invaders (or their webbing), I recommend our non-toxic (and classy) trifold Pantry Moth Traps, the best and most effective pheromone traps on the market.

What foods are insects searching for?

Ants, roaches, and moths are all attracted to certain types of fare. If you’re well stocked in any these foods, is it an absolute necessity that you have them properly stored.



Above all else, ants love sweets. (Actually, all animals, including us, are driven to consume sugar, as it is a calorie-dense food source). Ants, though, need it, as they are extremely hard workers and need sustenance to sustain themselves and their queen.  From spilled sugary drinks and fruit to a few cookie crumbs or even tiny traces of honey, ants will come in your home looking for these sweet treats.


Moths prefer rice, cereal, oats, and other bulk grains, laying their eggs near the packaging. When the larvae hatch, they consume these grains and eat anything in their path. They are ravenous.

Dried Foods

Though moths may have a preference towards grains, they are not very particular. They will also infest flour, pasta, dried fruit, nuts, birdseed, pet food, and corn-based cat litter. In the same fashion, larvae will feed to their heart’s content and, when full and ready, leave the (infested) product to enter their pupae stage before becoming adults.

Everything Else

Cockroaches are omnivorous scavengers, eating plants and animals alike. They will consume any organic food source available to them. Although they prefer meats, sweets, greasy foods, and starches, they will also consume anything that is derived from something that was once a living organism, including cardboard boxes, soap, hair, and toothpaste (to name a few).

How can you keep insects out of your food?

Here’s the action plan. Folks, if there’s no plan in place, these determined, hungry scoundrels will keep coming back for more. 

I recommend the following:

Store food in sealed containers

Moths have an amazing ability to squeeze through the tightest of spaces. Additionally, they can smell through plastic bags, including manufacturer-sealed bags, and will chew their way through the plastic to get to a food source. Foods to store in airtight containers include the grains and dried goods mentioned above in addition to cereal, dry soup mixes, crackers, grain-based snacks, nuts, and almonds.

Keep your kitchen clean

This is the most important recommendation. Many times, insects are attracted to the scent of what was left behind. They forage into your home because of a sink full of dirty greasy dishes, a sugary spill on your granite countertops, or a trash can brimming with yesterday’s leftovers. Then, they discover the crowning jewel—your well-stocked pantry. To keep bugs away, immediately clean up spills, do not leave dishes in the sink overnight, and take out that trash.

Seal up access points

If you have damage to siding, holes around piping or ventilation, or cracks in insulation, these are welcome entry points for insects. Repair these imperfections to ensure bugs don’t make their way to your kitchen.

Use a proven method when you do have insect issues

When insects make their way indoors, you need a proven non-toxic method to rid them from your home. I wouldn’t recommend using an over-the-counter spray, which contains harsh chemicals and would surely cause a level of damage to you, your children, and your pets too. Folks, you’re dealing with bugs that are most likely in your kitchen. You surely don’t want to be spraying anything toxic around the foods you eat.

How to safely rid your home of insects

Dr. Killigan with Six Feet Under all-natural insect spray

We at Dr. Killigan’s understand the importance of keeping your family protected from unwanted visitors. We also know that you don’t want to fill your home with a toxic chemical cloud. When you need to rid your home of insects, but you also need to protect your foods that attract insects, I recommend these proven toxin-free pest control methods.

Dr. Killigan’s Six Feet Under® Non-Toxic Insect Spray is one of our most popular products. It is an on-contact toxin-free insect spray that will dispose of most insects. It works at all stages of the life cycle. It does not contain pyrethrin or pyrethroids. It is a Dr. Killigan’s formula made of a mixture of clove and cottonseed oils and is 100% safe to use around pets, children, and food areas of your home.

Dr. Killigan’s Insect Buster, as mentioned above, is designed to disperse Dust to Dust. Dust to Dust is a non-poisonous and non-toxic insecticide. It is known to be safe for humans and pets. Dr. Killigan’s Insect Buster bulb is sturdy, easy to aim, and with its attachments, you can get into the cracks and crevices that sprays can’t reach. The bulb can also be stored with Dust to Dust powder in it.

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