
7 tips to protect your home in winter from future infestations

7 tips to protect your home in winter from future infestations

When the weather changes, the habits of the bugs that have annoyed us all for the last several months also change. Many insects go into hibernation, or the generation dies off. However, that does not mean you are in the clear. Lo and behold as the temperature once again begins to rise next spring, they will come back in droves. From sleeping adults to freshly hatched eggs, bugs are ready to make your home their palace once more.

But there is something you can do. Author Paul Theroux is quoted, “Winter is a season of recovery and preparation.” This statement couldn’t be more accurate when it comes to thoroughly ridding your home of pests. Dr. Killigan’s has come up with a room-by-room plan of action for you to finally get rid of the seasonal problem by Killing Them Softly®.

Ridding your home of pests

Let’s take a look at each area where creepy crawlies tend to congregate. Keep in mind that even though you may not see evidence of current activity, you still face the potential for a future outbreak. The biggest mistake people make is assuming the bugs are gone because they don’t see them anymore. The greatest reason for them not appearing is due to them going into hibernation mode. So, the answer is to tackle them while they are in this state to prevent their return. 

We will be looking to target the most common insects: moths, roaches, spiders, ants, fleas and ticks, flies, bees and wasps, and bed bugs.

1. Closets


We begin in the closet. This is where we keep our clothing and store personal items. All are susceptible to some type of infestation. By far, moths will likely be the most common nuisance, but others may find a closet quite hospitable and choose to take their winter nap there.

A clean closet is a happy closet which means organized and clutter-free. When it is orderly, it makes routine cleaning easier. Regular dusting is a good place to start, as well as getting rid of unused items.  For seasonal items like jackets and other rarely worn clothing have them dry cleaned annually. Clothes moths love stationary, unused cloth. They can easily make their way into your favorite sweater, and unless you maintain your closet, it has the potential of becoming a cozy breeding ground.

2. Kitchen cabinets and under the sink

Much like closets, moths love dark enclosed areas. They also love to feed on flour, grains, and spices. 

Cleaning begins with getting rid of anything that looks questionable, outdated, or has not been used for a while. To give full effect, thoroughly clean out your cabinets regularly. This includes spraying and wiping down the interior, paying particular attention to corners and areas that look abnormal. Also, be mindful of water leaks, wet can attract the wrong type of critter as it is the primary source of sustenance all insects look for.

3. Basements


Basements can be scary, and rightfully so. Dark and moist areas are breeding grounds for spiders, roaches, and ants. These are the critters that are easily mobile. Ants and roaches are hunters. They will make their nests in these areas and explore your home for food. Spiders are pretty much stationary, waiting for food to come to them. But anyone who has been bitten by one understands how menacing they can be.

Organizational skills are a must when it comes to anywhere you store items. Pests love damp, unkempt, and cluttered areas. You never discover them until you attempt to get something from a box or container. Racks are ideal for keeping items off the floor and remain dry. Regular cleaning will also help deter pests from making your basement their temporary home.

4. Outdoor sheds

These are much like basements where storage areas that can be forgotten. Although storage sheds do have a unique quality, they are still located outside, which can attract an entirely different breed of pests.  They can easily attract flying insects like bees and wasps. 

Any area that sees regular activity becomes unattractive to many pests. Regularly go through your stored items and get rid of anything unused. Keep items that are able in containers versus cardboard boxes. Also, examine the area around the shed regularly, knock down any sign of a nest going up.

5. Laundry room

Laundry rooms can get fairly humid and also cluttered with piles of laundry, dryer lint, used dryer sheets, and everyone has a sock or two behind the dryer that they cannot reach. Moist and cluttered, again a "come on over" sign to many insects. 

Have a wastebasket nearby for dryer lint and the used dryer sheets. Get out of the habit of leaving clothing lying around on the floor, especially damp or unwashed items. This most likely involves getting everyone in the house involved. 

6. Bedrooms


You may think a bedroom is relatively safe, but they can attract many pests, and it really depends on personal habits that mean the difference between a pest-free room or somewhere you have to worry about.

The two biggest killjoys are ants and roaches. While they may nest in other places, if you are a habitual bed eater, then you can open the door to these bugs making their way into your sleeping area. The easiest thing to do is to make your room an off-limits area for food and drinks. A half-empty can of soda or pizza crust will attract critters. Once they know there is a food source, they will joyfully return. Another nuisance is the bed bug. These are usually inherited from places you’ve been or from a previous owner. Keep an eye out for their signs and regularly wash bed sheets, comforters, and pillows.

7. Bathrooms

Moisture is once again at play to attract bugs that love wet areas. Like the laundry room, clothing clutter can come into play.

Do your best to not leave clothing lying around on the floor (I am sure you’re family members will appreciate that as well). Use a hamper for dirty clothes and wash clothes regularly. And like the kitchen, monitor any leaks and repair immediately. Clean up spills of the sweet type of items like mouthwash, toothpaste, and medicine. 

You don’t have to wait for a special spring cleaning session. By then, it may be too late. You can clean your home during the off-season to be prepared for the time of year when these bugs will make their way out of hibernation and in search of the next meal. Cleanliness is key. If you know your problem areas and maintain these spaces, then you may very well have another bug-free year!

However, cleaning is only half the game. Our suggestion: Putting a strong deterrent in place can help you, should you miss anything. Dr. Killigan’s has a great line of defense to help you with any infestations you may have. From our Premium Moth Traps® to our Six Feet Under® Non-Toxic Insect Spray and more, we will help you rid your home of bugs, pests, insects, and the creepy crawlies, all through Killing Them Softly®. 

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