What moths are attracted to pantry moth traps?

What moths are attracted to pantry moth traps?

Our pantry moth traps are ingenious contraptions that are devised to lure, ensnare and control those insidious food moths that dare to invade your precious food stores. Our traps boast the use of female pheromones, perfectly mimicking the scent of the female moth and enticing the unsuspecting males into a trap of their own demise. With our advanced blue stripe formula - a synergy of double-potent moth pheromones and the stickiest glue known to man - our traps surpass all others on the market. 

The utilization of these double-potent moth pheromones is a delicate and elusive endeavor. Their calibration requires the utmost precision, as their power lies in the perfect synergy with our specialized glue. Our patented technique, meticulously executed at just the right temperature, brings forth an extraordinary pantry moth attractant that stops those pests (dead) in their tracks. It is, my friend, a formidable weapon in the battle against pantry moths. 

What species of food moths do the pantry moth traps attract? 

Pantry Moth Traps

There are four species of food moths that our pantry moth traps will attract, though these four are known by quite a few names: 

  • Indian meal moth, also called the Indian meal moth, pantry moth, weevil moth, flour moth, grain moth, birdseed moth and food moth (Plodia interpunctella)
  • Almond moth, also called the tropical warehouse moth (Cadra cautella)
  • Raisin moth (Cadra figulilella)
  • Mediterranean flour moth, also called the mill moth (Ephestia kuehniella)

    What are Indian meal moths? 

    Indian meal moths (Plodia interpunctella) are a common type of moth in the world of stored food products. They have a knack for infiltrating pantries, kitchens and grocery stores. With a voracious appetite, they take great pleasure in contaminating a wide variety of food items such as grains, cereals, nuts and dried fruits. 

    Indian meal moths reproduce at alarming rates and have a remarkable adaptability to different environments. They seem to flourish just about anywhere, be it a humble kitchen or a vast storage facility of a commercial kitchen. Their resilience and versatility make them a formidable foe, a constant challenge to our efforts in maintaining pest-free, peaceful living environments. 

    Looks: These pantry moths have a distinctive reddish-brown wing pattern. They are generally smaller than many other moth species, with their body length typically measuring around one-fourth to one-third inch. In comparison to almond moths, raisin moths and Mediterranean flour moths, Indian meal moths would be considered ‘tiny moths.’

    What are almond moths? 


    Almond moths (Cadra cautella) are a close relative of the Indian meal moth. These clever moths are commonly found infesting stored food products, particularly almonds, as well as walnuts, pistachios and pecans. Like pantry moths, these moths pose a threat to stored food items as they lay their eggs on these products, which leads to contamination, spoilage and (without a doubt) homeowner frustration.  

    Looks: Like Indian meal moths, almond moths are small, with similar body lengths and wingspans. (Their wingspan measures about one-half to three-fourth inches in length.) Also like Indian meal moths, almond moths have wings that are narrow and elongated and antennae that are long and slender. What sets them apart from other moths are the spots and patterns on their wings. Almond moths have wings that are light brown and adorned with distinctive dark spots, dark spots that are more prominent towards the outer edges.

    What are raisin moths? 


    Raisin moths (Cadra figulilella) are tiny pantry bugs that have a particular fondness for dried fruits, particularly raisins, although they will also infest dates, figs, prunes and apricots. These bothersome insects lay their eggs on the surface of these fruits and the larvae, once hatched, feast on and contaminate these fruits. 

    What’s quite shocking to learn about raisins moths is that they are, in fact, beetles. Despite their common name, they are classified as a type of beetle known as the dried fruit beetle or raisin beetle and belong to the family Tenebrionidae, which includes various species of darkling beetles.

    Sidenote: The world of common names is indeed a mystery, a place where scientific classification takes a backseat to regional variation and local usage when it comes to insects and other organisms. (Other misnomers that keep us on our toes include the ladybug, the potato bug and the firefly, which are all -in fact- types of beetles.)

    Looks: Raisin moths, or dried fruit beetles, have a distinct beetle-like appearance with a compact body, hardened forewings (called elytra) and chewing mouthparts. They are typically small in size, ranging from three to five millimeters in length, (which is around one-tenth to two-tenths of an inch.) Their wings are usually dark brown or black. Raisin moths, however, are not strong fliers and tend to prefer crawling and walking to flying. 

    What are Mediterranean flour moths? 


    Mediterranean flour moths (Ephestia kuehniella) are fascinating creatures known for their adaptability and persistence in infesting stored food products. They hail from the Mediterranean region and are most commonly found in countries surrounding the Mediterranean Sea, including parts of Europe, North Africa and the Middle East. 

    These flour moths, belonging to the family Pyralidae, have more particular food preferences than Indian meal moths and are quite fond of stored grain products such as flour, cereal and pasta. (Indian meal moths will infest a wider range of foods including grains, nuts and dried fruits.)

    Looks: These bothersome little pests measure about one to one-and-a-half inches in wingspan, (which is larger than either the Indian meal moth or the almond moth). They are typically light gray or tan in color, often with a mottled or speckled pattern on their wings - which are adorned with fringed edges. Their hindwings are lighter in color and have a more uniform appearance. 

    How do I get rid of these pantry food moths? 


    You can get rid of all of these pantry moths with one trap (and a few additional steps.) 

    First, you must rid your home of the source of moth infestation. This is key and will determine how long it will take to get rid of your pantry moth infestation

    Second, do a thorough cleaning. Remove everything from your cupboards and food-storage areas. Then, vacuum and scrub all surfaces and wipe down your pantry shelves with a simple water and vinegar solution. Follow this up with our Six Feet Under Non-Toxic Insect Spray, which will ensure that no larvae or eggs were missed.

    Third, and lastly, place traps. Place three of Dr. Killigan’s Premium Pantry Moth Traps in a triangular formation around the area of infestation. The male pantry moths are attracted to the pheromone in the traps.

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