
Pest Control


The aphid wasp: The gardener's secret weapon

Discover the role of aphid wasps as a gardener's ally in combating aphids naturally, enhancing garden health and sustainability with Dr. Killigan's tips.


Are minimum-risk pest products safe? Dr. Killigan's insight

Discover Dr. Killigan's approach to safe, minimum-risk pest control products designed for the well-being of families, pets and the environment.


Top 9 eco-friendly pest management methods

Explore 9 effective eco-friendly pest management strategies for a healthier home and planet with Dr. Killigan's guide.

The Texas stink bug invasion: Everything you need to know

The Texas stink bug invasion: Everything you need to know

Discover how to fend off stink bugs in Texas with practical tips and strategies to keep your home serene and pest-free. Dive into our guide for all you need to know.


How to use minimum-risk pest products in your garden

Welcome to the green side of gardening, where the well-being of your plants, your family and our environment takes center stage. In a world where chemical-heavy solutions are commonplace, choosing ...


6 must-know tips for choosing the best indoor fly control solution

Explore essential tips for selecting indoor fly control solutions that are effective, eco-friendly, and seamlessly integrate into your home environment.


Keeping pets & homes pest-free: Is it possible?

Discover how to keep your home pest-free without compromising your pets' safety. Explore non-toxic solutions and proactive measures for a healthier, safer living environment.