How to get rid of baby stink bugs


Are you noticing (baby) stink bugs in your home and garden and wondering how to deal with these pesky invaders? It's a common concern for many, as these immature stink bugs can be as much of a nuisance as their adult counterparts. 

In this article, we'll dive into effective, environmentally friendly methods on how to both identify and prevent baby stink bug infestations and safely eliminate them, ensuring your living spaces remain comfortable and pest-free.

What are baby stink bugs?


Baby stink bugs, or nymphs, represent the early life stages of stink bugs prior to maturation. Distinct from adults, these younger versions are diminutive and lack fully developed wings, necessitating several molts where they shed their exoskeleton as they expand in size.

Right from hatching beneath the protective undersides of leaves, these nymphs begin a fascinating journey of transformation. They will molt five times, transitioning through various stages of growth, with each stage potentially showcasing a different coloration or pattern. This variation can make baby stink bugs particularly challenging to recognize, as their appearance drastically alters until they gradually assume the more familiar form of their adult counterparts.

Fact: Generally, it takes about 4 to 6 weeks for stink bug nymphs to develop into adults. 

What attracts baby stink bugs?

Baby stink bugs, just like their adult forms, seek out environments that fulfill their basic needs for warmth, shelter and food. These tiny nymphs are especially drawn to gardens, orchards and fields where they can find an abundance of plant material to feed on. They thrive in areas with a rich diversity of vegetation. 

In residential areas, baby stink bugs may be attracted to home gardens, landscaped yards and even indoor plants. Their search for warmth can lead them to congregate on the sunny sides of buildings, beneath window sills and around door frames where they can easily sneak inside as the weather cools.

Greenhouses and conservatories offer the perfect conditions for baby stink bugs, combining warmth with a ready food supply, making these structures particularly vulnerable to infestations.

At night, outdoor lighting—such as porch lights and landscape illumination—can attract baby stink bugs due to their attraction to light. This can inadvertently lead them closer to homes and increase the chances of them finding their way indoors.

Note: While stink bugs may seek shelter within your home during the fall, they do not pose a risk of structural damage or reproduce indoors.

What do baby stink bugs eat? 

The diet of baby stink bugs consists mainly of plant juices, which they extract using their specialized, piercing mouthparts. They are fond of a variety of plants found in gardens and farms, including fruits, vegetables and ornamental plants. 

Among the plants most vulnerable to baby stink bug feeding are tomatoes, corn, soybeans, and peaches, as well as ornamental plants like marigolds and common garden weeds such as dandelion. This indiscriminate feeding behavior can cause significant damage, leading to unsightly blemishes on fruits and vegetables, reduced yield and, in severe cases, the death of the plant. 

How do you know if you have baby stink bugs in your garden?

After learning about the diverse diet of baby stink bugs, it's crucial to recognize the signs and symptoms of their presence in your garden. Early detection can be the key to preventing extensive damage to your plants. Look out for these indicators:
Baby stink bugs
  • Unusual damage to plants: Baby stink bugs feed by piercing the plant's surface and sucking out the juices, which can lead to distinct damage patterns. Keep an eye out for puckered or discolored spots on leaves and fruits, which might be a telltale sign of their feeding.
  • Presence of nymphs: Although smaller and less noticeable than their adult counterparts, baby stink bugs can often be spotted on the underside of leaves or near the stems of plants they are feeding on. Their brightly colored or patterned bodies in early stages can help distinguish them from other garden pests.
  • Excrement and shed skins: As baby stink bugs feed and grow, they excrete waste and shed their skins during molting. Finding tiny, dark droppings or discarded skins near affected plants can indicate their presence.

      Do baby stink bugs bite?

      While baby stink bugs have mouthparts capable of piercing plant surfaces, they are not inclined to bite humans or animals. Their mouthparts are specialized for extracting plant juices and are not adapted to biting through human skin. However, when handled or threatened, baby stink bugs may deploy a defensive mechanism distinct to their species: the release of a foul odor. This scent, often compared to cilantro, is their way of deterring predators. While opinions on the smell vary—some find it unpleasantly strong, while others may barely notice it—the odor serves as an effective natural defense, protecting them without the need for biting.

      Is it okay to kill baby stink bugs?

      Deciding to kill baby stink bugs is a matter of personal choice, but it's essential to approach this decision with consideration for environmentally friendly and humane methods. Physical removal and relocation are often the most recommended strategies to prevent harm to beneficial insects and the environment. If you do opt for elimination, focusing on non-toxic methods is crucial to avoid disrupting the natural ecosystem. Among the range of gentle yet effective solutions, Dr. Killigan's Six Feet Under Plant-Powered Insect Spray and Dust to Dust Plant-Powered Insect Powder stand out as non-toxic options. 

      How do I get rid of baby stink bugs?

      Eliminating baby stink bugs from your garden and home requires a thoughtful, environmentally conscious approach. Here’s how you can tackle these pests while nurturing your green space:

      1. Gentle relocation: Safely removing and relocating baby stink bugs outdoors is a humane and direct method. Using a piece of paper or a soft brush, guide them into a container for release back into their natural habitat, away from your home.

      2. Seal potential entrances: To prevent an indoor invasion, inspect and seal cracks, and gaps around windows, doors and foundations.

      3. Natural Repellents | Mint, garlic and neem oil sprays: To create an effective barrier against baby stink bugs without resorting to chemical repellents, consider using natural sprays. These ingredients act as deterrents, keeping these pests at bay while being gentle on your plants and the environment. Here's a simple guide to making your repellent spray:

        • Mint spray: Steep a handful of crushed fresh mint leaves or a tablespoon of dried mint in a cup of boiling water for about an hour. Strain the mixture and add it to a quart of water in a spray bottle. You can add a few drops of peppermint essential oil for added potency.
        • Garlic spray: Crush a few cloves of garlic and mix them with two cups of water. Allow the mixture to sit overnight. Strain and add to a spray bottle. For enhanced efficacy, you can add a teaspoon of dish soap to help the mixture adhere to surfaces.
        • Neem oil spray: Mix a tablespoon of neem oil with two cups of water and a few drops of mild liquid soap (which acts as an emulsifier). Shake well to combine.

            Apply these sprays around windows, doors and other potential entry points to deter baby stink bugs. It’s important to reapply every few days or after it rains to maintain their effectiveness. They can also be sprayed on plants, with a focus on the underside of leaves.

            Note: Always test a small area of your plants first and spray in cooler parts of the day to minimize the risk of burning the plants under the hot sun.

            4. Dust to Dust Plant-Powered Insect Powder: When battling baby stink bugs, Dr. Killigan's Dust to Dust Plant-Powered Insect Powder stands out as a superior, eco-friendly solution. Its plant-based formula ensures it's safe for use around your family and pets, making it an ideal choice for households prioritizing non-toxic pest control methods. Here’s why: 

              • Effective pest control: Dust to Dust works by dehydrating baby stink bugs upon contact. Its fine particles adhere to the insects' exoskeletons, absorbing their protective oils and moisture, leading to their natural elimination without the need for harmful chemicals.
              • Easy application: Applying Dust to Dust is straightforward. Simply sprinkle (or puff with the Insect Buster Bulb Duster ) a thin layer of the powder around plants affected by baby stink bugs or in areas where they're likely to enter your garden. Its efficacy doesn't diminish over time, providing long-lasting protection with minimal effort.
              • Enhances soil health: Unlike conventional pesticides, Dust to Dust offers dual benefits. As it naturally breaks down, it contributes valuable minerals back to the soil, helping to improve soil structure and fertility. This not only deters pests but also supports stronger plant growth and enhances resilience against diseases and environmental stress.
            Dust to Dust—Diatomaceous Earth Alternative

                  5. Encourage natural predators: Inviting birds, aphid lions, ladybugs, assassin bugs and lacewings into your garden isn’t just about beautifying your space—they’re natural predators of stink bugs. Bird feeders, water baths and native flowering plants can turn your garden into a haven for these beneficial creatures.

                  6. Six Feet Under Plant-Powered Insect Spray: Dr. Killigan's Six Feet Under Insect Spray offers an excellent solution for defending your home's perimeter and entry points against baby stink bugs. While it's not recommended for direct application on plants, spraying it on window frames, doorways and other potential entry points can create a barrier that baby stink bugs are unlikely to cross. Its unique formula provides a 30-day residual effect, offering long-term protection against baby stink bugs (and over 50 other insect species) without harming the environment.

                  By embracing these strategies, not only do you protect your home and garden from baby stink bugs, but you also contribute to a balanced ecosystem. 

                  Embrace a bug-free season with Dr. Killigan's

                  Dr. Killigan's plant-powered pest control

                  As you gear up to protect your home and garden from the tiny invaders, remember, you're not alone in this fight against baby stink bugs. With Dr. Killigan's eco-friendly solutions at your side, you're equipped with the most effective, non-toxic methods to safeguard your living spaces without compromising the health of your family, pets or the planet.

                  Don't let baby stink bugs take over your peace and greenery. Take action today by exploring Dr. Killigan's range of products. From the potent Dust to Dust Plant-Powered Insect Powder that safeguards your garden's health while dealing with pests, to the Six Feet Under Insect Spray for keeping your home's perimeter secure, we have what you need to enjoy a vibrant, bug-free season.

                  Visit us now to discover more about how our products can transform your approach to pest control, aligning with your commitment to sustainability and effectiveness. Together, let's make this baby stink bug season a time of growth and enjoyment, free from the hassle of unwanted guests.

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