

Why are bugs attracted to artificial light?

Why are bugs attracted to artificial light?

Not all bugs are attracted to artificial light. Find out which ones are, why they are, and what Dr. Killigan’s can do to help. 

Are fruit flies at their worst in the fall?

Are fruit flies at their worst in the fall?

Fruit flies feast and breed on fermenting fruits and vegetables. It’s time that you take charge of produce before the fruit flies do.

How to repel ants with essential oils 

How to repel ants with essential oils 

Learn how to naturally and effectively repel and kill ants with essential oils.

Which plants repel insects?

Which plants repel insects?

Find out how you can not only use essential oil rich plants to keep aphids, mosquitoes, spiders, and flies out of your yard, but also how to care for these insect-repelling plants.

Do silverfish bite?

Do silverfish bite?

Silverfish are found throughout the United States. Do you know what they look like? Are you aware of what they may be eating of yours? Lastly, can they cause harm to you or your pets? Let’s delve i...

The risks of toxic pesticides

The risks of toxic pesticides

We’re all aware, on some level, that pesticides aren’t great. Learn more about the risks of toxic pesticides and insecticides here.

How to get rid of and prevent pantry moths

How to get rid of and prevent pantry moths

You must be diligent, patient, and willing to play the long game to eradicate pantry moths. In following these steps, you will find yourself on the path to newfound peace and safety in your home.