The benefits of clove oil

The benefits of clove oil

Clove oil has been used for centuries in a variety of applications. Among its many uses, it supports a healthy immune system, can relieve pain from toothaches, and is used as a non-toxic insect-killing ingredient in our Six Feet Under kill-on-contact insect spray.

In this article, we’ll discuss what clove oil is, including an explanation of one of its major components—eugenol, and explore clove oil’s uses, benefits, and how we at Dr. Killigan’s use it.

What is clove oil?


Oil of clove, also known as clove oil, is an essential oil that is is extracted from the clove tree Syzygium aromaticum. While originally native to just a few islands in Indonesia, it is now grown in many tropical climates, including India, the West Indies, and Brazil. Its major producers are its native land of Indonesia, followed by Madagascar and Tanzania.

Clove oil is colorless or pale yellow, with a warm, spicy scent that smells just like cloves. It is produced through distilling dried unopened flower buds that are collected from the clove tree, but clove leaves and stems may also be used in its production.

What is eugenol?

Eugenol is the chemical component of clove oil that is responsible for the clove’s strong aroma. It comprises anywhere from 72-95% of the oil. Eugenol has pronounced antiseptic and anesthetic properties.

Eugenol can be obtained from a variety of plant sources, not just clove oil. These sources include nutmeg oil, cinnamon extract, pepper, ginger, oregano, and thyme. Because of its presence in numerous medicinal herbs, eugenol has fascinated the attention of researchers and opened wide the gateway to research as a medicine to aid various diseases. Its properties haver also been found to include the prevention or slowing of damage caused to cells by free radicals (antioxidant), the killing or stopping of microbes such as bacteria or mold (antimicrobial), anti-inflammatory action, the prevention or delaying of the development of cancer (anti-carcinogenic), the recovering or regeneration of one’s nervous system, including its cells, structure, and function (neuroprotective), and anti-diabetic effectiveness. Eugenol is declared as GRAS (generally regarded as safe) by the World Health Organization (WHO).

How can I use cloves and clove oil? What are their benefits?

Here we will discuss how to use cloves according to its numerous beneficial properties. While it’s clear that cloves are incredible and offer a host of potential benefits, moderation, my friend, is best. As with so many other aspects of life, if you overdo it, problems will surely arise. Don’t make and eat delicious homemade gingerbread cookies (with the added benefit of clove oil) every day or gorge yourself on a weekly slice of clove-rich pumpkin pie. If in doubt, consult your health practitioner.

Antiseptic benefit

Clove oil can be used as a massage oil to heal minor wounds, as it kills or stops the growth of microbes on the skin and mucous membranes. Make sure to dilute this oil with a carrier oil, such as jojoba oil, fractionated coconut oil, or olive oil. I recommend a maximum dilution of 0.5% for topical applications.

Anesthetic benefit

Eugenol is a natural anesthetic, helping to numb and reduce the pain of a toothache. This is your line of first defense before you’re able to see your dentist. To use clove oil for toothaches:

  • Dilute a few drops of clove oil in an edible carrier oil.
  • Dab a clean cotton ball into this solution.
  • Apply the cotton ball to the sore tooth. Avoid contact with your gums.
  • Wait several minutes for relief.
  • Rinse your mouth out with water.
  • Reapply every 2 hours as necessary.

Of course, if this feels uncomfortable or if you experience irritation or discomfort, do stop.

Antioxidant benefit

Cloves are known as the one of the best antioxidant spices, due to their high levels of phenolic compounds. You may try adding ground cloves to your pumpkin pie this fall, including it as an essential spice in curry, or rubbing whole cloves into that hunk of meat.

Don’t consider simply biting into one. Doing so would overwhelm your palate and just might leave your tongue numb. In addition, the word clove is derived from the Latin word nail (or clavus), as cloves have a tack or nail-like shape with a point. Biting into one would be like trying to eat a fish bone. They’re sharp. They pose a choking hazard.

Because cloves are high in antioxidants, clove oil can help protect your body against the signs of aging and contribute to longevity and vitality. Anyone feeling the urge to add a few drops of clove oil to their body lotion?

Anti-microbial benefit

Because of its antimicrobial properties, clove oil can be used in your bathroom and other spaces where mold and bacteria can be found. A simple DIY recipe would get you started.

  • Mix 1 tablespoon baking soda and ½ cup of white vinegar and 4 cups of hot water. Using a sponge, begin scrubbing the area.
  • Mix 1 teaspoon of clove oil and 4 cups of water. Pour this solution into a spray bottle, shake well, and lightly spray the area where the mold is growing. Scrub away the mold with a sponge or toothbrush and then rinse with water.
  • Spray the area with your clove oil mixture to inhibit further mold growth.

In addition, cloves antimicrobial (and antibacterial) properties can keep your gums health and reduce oral bacteria that can lead to plague, gingivitis, and cavities, To reap these benefits, look for a toothpaste that includes clove oil and brush away. 

Anti-inflammatory benefit

Make your own clove chai tea or clove and cinnamon tea, chew on raw cloves, or mix it with hot water and drink it early in the morning. 

Anti-carcinogenic and other benefits

Simply use it. This can be done in numerous ways, as written above, including as a cough supplement, to regulate your hunger levels, to keep your blood pressure levels in check, by diffusing it in your home, or it’s most well-known use - for toothaches. Consider sprinkling it into smoothies, rice dishes, or desserts too. 

How does Dr. Killigan use clove oil?

As an active ingredient, Dr. Killigan’s Six Feet Under contains 0.05% of clove oil. Clove oil, as you’re now very well aware, is a unique, powerful, and very multi-purpose essential oil. In addition to its plethora of benefits listed above, clove oil is also an insect repellent. Traditionally, a few drops of clove oil used to be put on one’s bed sheets at night to keep the bugs away. 

Clove oil is a rapid-acting, all-natural insect killer that is effective against mosquitoes, ants, wasps, moths and their larvae, flies, fleas, earwigs, silverfish, mites, aphids, cockroaches, and more. If you want to keep the bugs at bay this summer, keep a bottle of Six Feet Under close by. It will kill these flying, crawling, and scurrying miscreants on contact.

Six Feet Under is a non-toxic, poison-free spray with no fumes, no toxic pesticides, no harsh chemicals, no pyrethrins, no pyrethroids, and no permethrin. This is even more important when you consider the fact that bugs are beginning to develop resistance to insecticides. Currently, there are insects that are resistant to every synthetic chemical insecticide used. Soon, that can of toxic bug spray that you used to reach for may not have the effect that you were hoping for. That cockroach may really still be alive…

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