
Insects & Arachnids


Debunking 5 myths about clothing moths - Dr. Killigan’s guide

Uncover the realities of clothing moth infestations. Debunk myths about cleanliness, mothballs and moth behavior, and explore non-toxic, effective solutions like Clothing Moth Traps and Cedar Ward ...


How long will fleas live in a house without pets?

Unravel the mystery of flea survival in homes without pets. Learn about their lifecycle, detection and Dr. Killigan's effective, non-toxic solutions for flea control.


Baby silverfish shenanigans: Tiny troublemakers on the loose

Navigate the world of baby silverfish with Dr. Killigan's insights. From understanding their sneaky habits to introducing modern, safe solutions for control, delve into the shenanigans of these tin...


Bog spiders: The hidden horrors of cranberry swamps

Venture into the eerie depths of cranberry swamps with Dr. Killigan's, where the lurking bog spiders might just challenge your love for the festive berry. The hidden tales await!


What bugs look like bed bugs? A Dr. Killigan's insight

Discover common pests mistaken for bed bugs in Dr. Killigan's comprehensive guide. Learn how to identify and combat these elusive critters with precision. 


Do fleas have wings?

Join Dr. Killigan in exploring the fascinating world of fleas, debunking myths, and unveiling efficient strategies for effective flea control and extermination, ensuring a pest-free environment. 


Bed bug poop: An often overlooked way to detect bed bugs

Dr. Killigan reveals bed bug poop as a crucial, yet frequently ignored, indicator of their unwelcome presence in your home.