Tiny but mighty: The unseen impact of biting midges on humans and animals


Updated on October 19th, 2024

Today we're diving deep into the world of biting midges—those tiny but mighty insects that could very well be sharing your space right now. Though small, these pests can pack quite a punch. They're responsible for an array of skin irritations commonly misattributed to other insect bites. Indeed, the issue of biting midges is far from trivial; it’s a matter of both human and animal health that should not be underestimated.

These diminutive creatures often go unnoticed until you start feeling those insufferable itches. Though commonly confused with other bugs like mosquitoesmites and fleas, biting midges have their own unique set of problems. Their bites can ruin your outdoor gatherings and pose severe risks to your livestock and pets.

>>> Eliminate biting midges with the world's most effective eco-insecticide

Biting midges vs. other insects: How they differ from common bug bites


Many often mistake midge bites for common bug bites. However, there are notable differences. Unlike mosquito bites, which often form elevated, red areas, midge bites usually result in small, flat, red patches that are intensely itchy. They also differ from flea bites, which tend to concentrate around the legs and are less likely to cause intense itching.

In fact, midge bites can be so irritating that they may result in severe skin conditions if not addressed promptly. Unlike most other insect bites, the reactions to biting midges can be incredibly persistent and even lead to bacterial skin infections if scratched excessively. 

No see um bites: The invisible nemesis

You may have heard biting midges referred to as "no see ums," and it's an apt name. These tiny bloodsuckers can often elude the naked eye, making them especially troublesome. The problem with no see um bites is the lack of awareness. Many people have no idea they've been a feeding ground for these pests until the itching starts, and by then, it's often too late to take preventive measures.

Even worse, no see ums have a knack for indoor infiltration. They can slip through regular window and door screens, making them a household pest in addition to an outdoor annoyance. And let’s not forget: these tiny but mighty creatures can transmit diseases like Bluetongue virus and even parasites.

Mite bites vs. midges: A comparative study

midget-lives-on bodies-of-water

It's not uncommon for people to confuse mite bites with those of biting midges. Both are small and often result in a similar itch. However, mites tend to be parasites on animals, including humans, and often live in the home, especially in bedding or furniture. Midges, on the other hand, are more likely to be encountered outdoors or in areas where they can breed in water.

The crucial thing to remember here is that both types of bites require different treatment methods. Mite bites often necessitate treating the home environment, while midge bites can often be managed through topical treatments and environmental controls like insect repellents. Knowing the difference can save you time, money and most importantly, alleviate your symptoms faster.

The risk to humans: An unseen health threat

Perhaps the most unsettling thing about biting midges is their ability to spread diseases. While not as prolific as mosquitoes, they are capable of transmitting harmful viruses and parasites. Moreover, the severity of the skin reaction to their bites can vary greatly among individuals. Some may experience a mild itch, while others might suffer from severe dermatitis requiring medical attention.

What's more, for those with immune system vulnerabilities, these bites can lead to complications such as secondary bacterial infections. Simply put, what may start as an innocent trip to the garden can escalate into a medical ordeal if you are not careful.

Animal health risks: Not just a human problem


Our furry friends and livestock are not spared either. Biting midges pose a particular risk to animals, as their bites can transmit viruses like the Schmallenberg virus, which affects livestock. Symptoms often include fever, reduced milk production and, in severe cases, birth defects in calves and lambs.

Pets like dogs and cats are also susceptible to skin irritation due to midge bites, which can result in persistent scratching and subsequent skin infections. Considering the scale of the problem, it's clear that midges are not just a human issue but a significant animal health risk.

Prevention and protection: Dr. Killigan's safe solutions

So, what can be done about these tiny but mighty nuisances? Keeping biting midges out of your home is essential, especially during peak seasons. A combination of preventive measures can be effective in keeping these annoying insects at bay.

Physical barriers:

  • Window screens: Equip all windows and doors with fine-mesh screens to deter midges from entering your home.
  • Door seals: Install door sweeps and weather stripping to eliminate any gaps that could serve as entry points for these pests.

Non-toxic treatments:

  • Six Feet Under Plant-Powered Insect Spray: This product offers an excellent, non-toxic alternative to traditional insecticides. Effective against over 50 species of insects, Six Feet Under kills bugs both on contact and residually for up to 30 days. Formulated with a unique blend of essential oils—soybean, clove and cinnamon—this spray targets bugs at multiple levels. Soybean oil suffocates insects by obstructing their breathing passages, while the compounds in clove and cinnamon oils swiftly incapacitate their nervous systems. Spray it on your window screens and, with its 30-day residual effect, it will keep midges from entering your home. Also safe for use on floors, at other entry points and around the house, it's your go-to for proactive and sustainable pest control.

Natural alternatives:

  • Essential oils: Essential oils like lavender, citronella and tea tree can act as natural repellents. Use them in diffusers or create your own sprays to apply at entryways.
  • Plants: Lavender, citronella and marigold plants can deter insects, including biting midges, when placed near entrances and windows.

Environmental control:

Conclusion: A proactive approach to tiny but mighty threats

Ignoring the problem of biting midges is not an option, given the potential health risks involved for both humans and animals. Early identification and intervention are crucial to managing this microscopic menace effectively. Let's not underestimate these tiny but mighty insects. With the right information and preventive steps, you can protect your family and pets from the unseen impact of biting midges.

Stay enlightened. Stay protected. 

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