Types of indoor pests
There are many types of indoor pests. There are many types of solutions. The type of toxic-free solution you need is determined by which insect is invading your space. Be wary, though, because every bug carries its own dangers. From minor allergic reactions to infections and diseases, each warrants special attention.
There are several species of ants, from Sugar Ants to Fire Ants. They can all be a menace in and around the home. Each ant is in search of water and will feed off a variety of items, including sweets, meats, grease, and even other insects. They get into your home through cracks, crevices, holes, and damaged areas in your home’s structure.Roaches
These filthy critters are scavengers that will feed on anything. They thrive around unsanitary conditions and, once they arrive, are difficult to get rid of. They are known to spread diseases like E. coli and Salmonella. Like ants, the common German Roach can come in through faults in the structure of the home. Larger roaches like the American and Oriental can actually come in through the plumbing of the home.

Flies quietly buzz in through an open door or window. With their diet of rotten, decaying matter, feces, trash, and spoiled meats, they constantly pick up pathogens. The flies then carry these nearly invisible germs to wherever they land - your countertops, the sandwich you left on the counter. They can also spread E. coli and Salmonella. This can be very troublesome, especially if you have pets. Folks, promptly clean up after your pets, keep trash cans tightly closed, and take stinky trash out.
Moths can flitter in through an open door or, more troubling, thumb a ride on an item you bring in from the grocery store. The most commonly infested items: bags of rice, grains, flour, or even pet food. Pantry Moths can be in warehouses or your local go-to store when you're needing one more cup of flour for those cupcakes! They lay eggs, perhaps a few hundred, on an item and then you unknowingly bring a lot of new unwanted friends (or should I say enemies?) home. Clothing Moths come in through infested clothing. Even new garments from a warehouse can be tainted. Moths don’t really carry diseases; in fact, many people—wait, don't take that bite of cereal—ingest moth eggs or larvae and don’t even know it. Now you may swallow.
Bed bugs
Bed bugs get a little more complex. They are the ultimate hitchhiker, coming in from places you have been or places your guests have been. They like to live in areas where people sleep, but are not confined to a bed. They'll happily take over your couch, chair, or anywhere a person sits for an extended period of time. They travel from place to place via suitcases, purses, backpacks, clothing, or on the furniture itself. Bed bugs are not known to carry diseases, but a bite can become infected from irritation.
Fleas and ticks
These pet dwellers can quickly infest a home—no need for an explanation on how they get in! The main difference between the two is that fleas will remain with a pet for the duration of their life and ticks, for the most part, once they feed, will detach and leave (and may not attach to that host again). Ticks are known to spread Lyme Disease and fleas can spread a feverish disease known as Typhus.
Types of outdoor pests
inner space, thank goodness, but if you're outside—enjoying a sip of cool lemonade on your porch, having a quick splash in the pool, or lazily mowing your front lawn—then understanding outdoor insects should be a priority for you.
Wasps can be very aggressive and will sting, multiple times, with very little provocation. Their nests can be built very close to homes, typically under roof eaves, and have several visual characteristics: a ball-like shape, gray in color, dry and papery texture, and a honeycomb pattern, (though this is only on the inside of the nest). They can also nest inside walls of damaged siding or within woodpiles. The venom in their stings can be very harmful to those who have an allergy to wasps.

These little buzzing pests come around primarily at dawn and dusk. They love damp and humid conditions, thrive anywhere where there is standing water, and are attracted to the carbon dioxide (and odor and heat and perspiration) that your body emits. Mosquitoes can carry West Nile and Zika Virus.
Spiders can be indoor and outdoor menaces, enjoying and quietly hiding in both dark, moist basements or drier, airier spaces, like attics or high upper corners of rooms. (It depends on the type of spider you have). Like ants, there are several species of spiders that live around the home. The two most serious are the Black Widow and the Brown Recluse. Both are poisonous and a bite from either would require medical attention.
Pest control products that are on the market
With so many threats out there, the knee-jerk reaction is to grab the nearest can of over-the-counter spray and douse anything that crawls or flies. But when you have pets and children in the house, this is not always a feasible option. You have their health and yours to think about.
Sprays contain harsh chemicals that are harmful to your health. Even the can itself spells out bright neon warnings to use caution, wear gloves or masks, or vacate the premises.
Bug bombs
These are timed sprays or fogs that are toxic and require you to leave home during the treatment. When you return home, you have to wash everything in sight because all your belongings are now coated with a layer of poisonous goop. It’s also a temporary solution as bugs will simply return later.
Pet shampoos or dips
Fleas that are unrelenting on your pets can be deterred with a bath, but sometimes even those are loaded with harsh chemicals that can be harmful to pets and children. The same can be said of collars. They are strips of chemicals that can be easily touched by both adults and children.
There are some “natural” pesticides out there that are used within the organic market. They claim to be safe and natural, but with some additives, called synergists, they can be anything but safe. This “natural” mixture is called pyrethrin. They are made from the derivatives of the chrysanthemum flower, which is ground into a powder and made into a pesticide.
While pyrethrin, in some sense, can be considered safe, scientists went a step further, creating their own mixtures in the lab. These human-made derivatives are called pyrethroids, produced to mimic the effects of the pyrethrin compounds. But fear not! There is a better way than to go! Don't give into that fear-filled gut reaction and buy the first over-the-counter spray you see. It may give temporary relief, but will the payoff be worth it? You could fill your home with poisonous chemicals that could make you, your children, and/or your pets sick. There are real non-toxic solutions out there, ways to rid your home of the insects that are plaguing you and keep your loved one safe.
Non-toxic solutions for pest control
When you find yourself the participant of a house party of unwanted guests, you need to rely on the bug experts. Dr. Killigan has created a line of non-toxic pest control products that effectively dispose of bugs. Our team of experts is always working toward perfecting the art of Killing Them Softly®. This is more than a motto we live by. We are committed to developing safe, toxic-free pest control solutions to bring you peace of mind. Dr. Killigan offers these pet-friendly and family-safe solutions for both indoor and outdoor pest problems. From spiders to bed bugs, we have you covered.
Dr. Killigan’s Six Feet Under® Non-Toxic Insect Spray
Our most popular kill-on-contact spray will dispose of most insects. It is made with a mixture of soybean oil, castor oil, and clove essential oil and is safe to use around pets, children, and food. Six Feet Under works on spiders, fleas, ticks, bed bugs, roaches, ants, fruit flies, moths, earwigs, silverfish, mosquitoes, and more.
Dr. Killigan’s Premium Pantry Moth Traps®

Dr. Killigan’s Premium Clothing Moth Traps®
Our Premium Clothing Moth Traps are designed exclusively for clothing moths. Like the Dr. Killigan’s Premium Pantry Moth Traps, the powerful pheromone is mixed into the glue so you don’t have to deal with a separate wafer. With the same simple trifold design, you can ensure no glue touching is involved. These traps also include our patented hanger design to further simplify the process. Simply fold, hang, and eliminate moths as they are drawn to its scent.
The Fly Inn functions like a fly ribbon, but with the Dr. Killigan’s signature sophisticated design. Wet the suction cups, choose a high-traffic fly hangout, and simply attach The Fly Inn to a clean section of glass. Flies are naturally attracted to sunlight’s UVA rays. We use this natural attraction to give flies a permanent vacation. The beautiful lattice style of The Fly Inn leaves your guests clueless to the fact that you have an insect control product on display!
The Insect Buster is a bulb duster designed to disperse Dust to Dust Non-Toxic Insect Powder, a superb alternative to diatomaceous earth. Dust to Dust is people-friendly, pet-friendly and plant-friendly. It is a safer and more effective alternative to diatomaceous earth for insect control, with proven kill times of up to 50% faster than diatomaceous earth. Dr. Killigan’s Insect Buster bulb duster is a sturdy, easy-to-use solution for applying this powder. Dr. Killigan’s solution for pest control We have designed 100% toxic-free products that are not only safe, but are also created with style, restore peace of mind, and return “classy” to your home. We are continually raising the bar in toxic-free pest control remedies. All our products come with a 100% satisfaction guarantee. If you are not satisfied for any reason, please contact us. We will not hesitate to make things right.