Contact vs. residual spray: What's the difference?

Contact vs. residual spray: What's the difference?

Updated on November 6th, 2024

Most non-toxic pest control products can be classified in one of two broad categories: contact and residual solutions.

While the benefit of contact pest control products is that they kill insects by contact and accordingly tend to work much faster than their residual counterparts, the main advantage of residual pest control products is that they work to kill bugs and prevent infestations over a longer period of time.

>>> Eliminate pests with the world's most effective eco-insecticide

Contact sprays and powders

Contact sprays and powders kill by contact. You have to "hit" the bugs for these products to work properly. They are meant for killing crawling or flying insects that have been spotted.

Dead cockroach

The ingredients in a contact pest control product do not always need to be ingested by the bug; often, the insect simply needs to come into immediate contact with the spray or powder. This product (the spray or powder) is often absorbed through the skin of the insect and then acts as a neurological inhibitor, meaning that it suppresses, blocks or restricts the insect’s nerve activity.

It's very effective against insects for two reasons: The first is that because insects are quite small and very simple, they do not have many nerves to disrupt. It takes only a tiny amount of solution to cause nerve disruption, which causes said insect to stop feeding. Once the insect is no longer able to feed, it will die or be eaten by other insects. The second is that insects—unlike larger mammals—are not very good at safely processing chemicals. 

Once a contact spray or powder is not being actively used, though, it no longer has a significant effect on the insect. Nonresidual sprays work when you use them and afterword their power is gone.

Residual sprays and powders

Residual sprays and powders kill over time. You don’t even need to see the insect for it to die as a result of an encounter with residual sprays and powders. In fact, the insect doesn’t even have to breathe or swallow the substance. It just has to touch it.

There’s no "see, spray and die" formula here. You simply apply the solution on a surface and the residual product’s active ingredients remain attached to the surface. When pests walk, jump or crawl through the residual solution, they pick it up on their body parts—such as their legs and antennas.

Residual sprays and powders remain effective for varying lengths of time, depending on:
Dust to Dust
  • The product formulation—such as powder or liquid
  • The type of surface applied—like soil, wood, carpet or brick
  • The surface condition—whether smooth, wet or greasy
  • Rainfall exposure—efficacy may decrease with heavy or frequent rainfall

    It’s important to note that all of Dr. Killigan’s products are toxin-free. Insects are known for their ability to develop resistance to pesticides and, currently, there are insects that are resistant to every synthetic chemical insecticide used. It’s always a better idea to stick with Dr. Killigan’s non-toxic and highly effective pest control products, which are always safe for your family and pets when used as directed.


    When it comes to choosing effective, non-toxic pest control, understanding the benefits of contact and residual solutions helps you make an informed decision. Dr. Killigan’s Six Feet Under Plant-Powered Insect Spray offers a unique blend of both capabilities. Proven to kill pests on contact and provide residual protection for up to 30 days, this plant-powered solution keeps your home pest-free over time without harsh chemicals.

    By selecting Six Feet Under, you’re choosing an eco-friendly option that combines immediate action with long-lasting effectiveness, ensuring safe and powerful protection for your family, pets, and home.

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