Let's take a moment to marvel at the remarkable world of ovipositors, shall we? These intriguing organs found in a myriad of insects that have captured the fascination of entomologists and curious minds alike. From their diverse shapes and functions to the intricate adaptations that enable their remarkable abilities, the world of ovipositors is a testament to the wonders of nature's ingenuity.
Join me as we delve into the depths of these specialized structures, unraveling their secrets and exploring the fascinating stories they tell. Prepare, my friends, to be captivated by the extraordinary world of ovipositors.
What is an ovipositor?

The ovipositor is a remarkable specialized organ found in select female insects, such as certain species of spiders and wasps. This intriguing structure, often elongated and tubular, resides at the end of an insect’s abdomen, serving a vital purpose in the reproduction process.
Ovipositors are typically composed of the hardened sclerites of an insect’s exoskeleton - sclerites are the rigid plates that make up the exoskeleton of insects - and can exhibit both external and internal configurations. In some insect species, the ovipositor is prominently displayed, situated at the rear end of the abdomen, ready for precise egg-laying maneuvers. In other species, however, the ovipositor may be partially or completely internal, hidden within the body for an insect’s reproductive prowess.
What is the purpose of an ovipositor?
This specialized organ serves as a key tool in the delicate art of ovipositing (or egg-laying.) Ovipositing is the process by which eggs are released and placed in a suitable location for development and hatching. Female insects employ their extraordinary ovipositors to pierce plant tissues, drill into wood or soil and even inject eggs into unsuspecting hosts. The ultimate goal: secure a suitable sanctuary where their precious offspring can thrive.
What is one insect that uses its ovipositor to pierce through plant tissue?
Female sawflies have ovipositors that are slender and elongated and resemble that of a tiny saw or drill. When a (female) sawfly locates a suitable host plant for egg-laying, she uses her ovipositor to make precise incisions or slits in the plant tissue - a process referred to as "sawing". The female sawfly exerts precise, controlled movements to carefully cut through the outer layers of the plant, creating minute channels or pockets where she can deposit her valuable eggs.
What is one insect that uses its ovipositor to drill into wood (or soil)?

A wood-boring wasp, or wood wasp, has an ovipositor that is a long and slender appendage that is typically curved or angled and accompanied by sharp, serrated edges or teeth near the tip. When a female wood-boring wasp is ready to lay her eggs, she locates a suitable wooden surface or soil environment. Positioning her ovipositor against the surface and applying pressure just so, she uses it as a drilling tool. With a combination of forward thrust and rotating movements, she gradually bores into the wood or soil. The sharp edges or teeth on the ovipositor aid in cutting through the material, while the curved or angled shape allows the wasp to maneuver and penetrate deeper into the substrate. (The female may also secrete substances that soften the wood or soil, making it easier to drill through.)
Once the ovipositor has created a suitable tunnel, the female delicately inserts her eggs into the cavity, ensuring that they are placed in a secure and protected environment for the development of the larvae.
What is one insect that uses its ovipositor to inject eggs into unsuspecting hosts?

A parasitic wasp has an ovipositor that is typically long and slender. The wasp, upon locating a suitable host, first paralyzes the host. (This paralyzation immobilizes the host, thus preventing it from defending itself or escaping, and ensures that it remains alive but unable to harm the developing wasp larvae. This aliveness ensures a fresh and relatively preserved food source for its offspring. So thoughtful). Then the parasitic wasp injects her eggs into the host using her sharp, needle-like ovipositor. The ovipositor must be sharp and the wasp must be precise in her insertion, as she needs to access the host’s internal tissues or body cavities with minimal damage to maximize the chances of successful parasitism.
Does an ovipositor have other functions?
These remarkable organs hold fascinating secrets beyond their primary role in egg-laying. Take, for instance, the parasitic wasps with their venomous ovipositors. Not only do they use these structures to deposit their eggs into a host insect, but they can also inject venom to immobilize and paralyze the unfortunate host. This strategic move ensures the survival of the wasp's offspring.
But it doesn't stop there. In the realm of ants, the story takes a different twist. The ovipositor of certain types of ants becomes a tool of manipulation and control. Through the secretion of pheromones and chemicals, the ant's ovipositor can influence the behavior of other ants and shape the dynamics of the entire colony.
These additional functions of the ovipositor, my friend, highlight the remarkable adaptability and versatility of these structures in the insect world. They go beyond mere egg-laying, becoming tools of manipulation and defense.
What other insects have ovipositors?
Here are a handful of examples, in addition to those mentioned above, that highlight the diversity of insects that possess these fascinating ovipositors:

- Strepsipterans (Order Strepsiptera): Female strepsipterans, also known as twisted-wing parasites, possess specialized, coiled ovipositors that they use to insert their eggs into the bodies of other insects. The larvae of strepsipterans live as internal parasites, ultimately emerging from the host's body.
- Tachinid flies (Tachinidae family): These flies have specialized ovipositors for injecting their eggs into various hosts, including other insects or even spiders.
- Dragonflies and damselflies (Odonata order): Female dragonflies and damselflies have ovipositors that they use to insert their eggs into aquatic plants or other suitable substrates near water bodies.
- Lacewings (Order Neuroptera): Lacewings, known for their delicate and intricate wings, use their ovipositors to carefully attach their eggs to leaves or other suitable surfaces. The eggs hatch into voracious larvae called aphid lions, which feed on aphids and other small insects.
What does Dr. Killigan have to say about ovipositors?
I am awestruck by the diversity in the insect kingdom. I am captivated by the means to which these ovipositor-possessing insects will go to ensure the reproductive success of their offspring. I also perceive that understanding insects is vital in effective pest management and control, as we must keep any egg-laying insect (or any insect for that matter) out of our homes. My research and expertise in this field have paved the way for innovative strategies and products designed to ensure the protection of our homes, our well-being and the well-being of our families and pets. Afterall, who really wants to see a parasitic wasp or a sawfly in their abode?

Use Dust to Dust, a safe, toxin-free, people-friendly and pet-friendly solution against both winged and crawling insects, to rid your home and your yard of ants, cockroaches, ticks, fleas, silverfish and more. Protects your peace and sanity from destructive insects with Six Feet Under, a superb insect killer that features a lab-proven, proprietary blend of select essential oils—soybean, clove and cinnamon—that breaks down bugs’ exoskeletons and works synergistically to enhance its effectiveness by absorption in insects’ systems. See our entire line of non-toxic products to keep insects where they belong - in the great outdoors and far, far away from your home.